Video, City Lab Guest User Video, City Lab Guest User

Modeling Reconciliation in a Divided World | Rev. Celia

Why should we cross, cultural and racial barriers, and to what end? Why should diversity be important to the church? How does the gospel speak into these questions? And how do we develop a relationship across the divide?

Continuing the conversation we had last year about Collaborating For Mission in a Global City, these are some questions Rev Celia Apeagyei-Collins addressed from her vast experience of working with a diverse people group. She witnessed people discovering the joy of being at a place where they learn to appreciate their differences and eliminate tensions and find a way for missional collaboration.

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Video, Slides, City Lab Guest User Video, Slides, City Lab Guest User

Gen Z: Be Yourself and Change The World | Kristi Mair

What Greta Thunberg, Luka Sabbat, James Charles, Billie Eilish, have in common - besides millions of followers across social media platforms? They consider themselves to be authentic, they care deeply about human rights, prising equality, inclusion and diversity, and technology is a central part of their upbringing. They also consider creativity to be a life skill and form of personal expression. Gen Zers (born between mid-1990s and mid-2000s) represent around 8% of London’s population. The question is How do we engage with them?

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Video, Handout, City Lab Guest User Video, Handout, City Lab Guest User

Magnetic: The Offer of Christ to Our Culture | Dan Strange

“Irrelevant,” “unappealing,” “outdated” are often responses we’ll hear when asking the society about the Christian faith and the church. Why is that so and how do we as churches can engage with culture in a meaningful way?

In this City Lab Webinar, Dan Strange helped us to delve into the “magnetic points” common to everyone - the connections between the desires and yearnings of our culture and the person of Jesus. We’ll leave with insights for answering the question of how we can equip our churches to present Jesus to our neighbours in meaningful ways, attracting their lives with his magnetic power.

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